From Africa to the world. I am deeply honoured to be shortlisted for the Global Women in Marketing Africa in Marketing Awards (WiM), who would have thought that a girl at the age of 18 started selling graduation gowns to students, at the age of 21 sold eggs from the boot of her car, no money and no networks, at the age of 31 started a company - Gateway Synergy | Digital Content Creation Agency Synergy with no funding would one day be shortlisted for an Award in the UK where ever you are taking us Lord continue because this we like.

A lot of hard work and sacrifices come with being an independent marketing consultant, self-owned business, and self-employed. You take your laptop to the hospital when your kids are ill because you are still in the infancy phase and can’t afford to take off. So why do we do it? because we love it. When you see the end video crafted from our content strategy you get that feeling of knowing you built something great. Something viewers will enjoy, cry or be mad about. Something that will make them engage.
It’s a rush and it’s an honour to be shortlisted. Much love to all the clients and people that journey with us.
We do hope to travel to the United Kingdom for the ceremony, however, there are also financial decisions to consider as a small business. Considerations such as taking the risk to travel for possible networking and longevity of the company, versus the month-to-month running overheads of sustaining the business.

To see who else made the list visit
Creating a new narrative and opportunities for our children and generations to come.
